Together with several other organisations from both Europe and the USA has been chosen to contribute in the OGC Testbed 11 Aviation Thread, which has started in February 2015 and was successfully finished in the middle of June 2015. Collaborating with partners from Luciad, Snowflake Software and Interactive Systems, we worked on tasks building upon results of previous OGC testbeds.’s responsibilities were to design and implement the Digital NOTAM Validation and Enrichment Services, both crucial for digital NOTAM portrayal and data quality and the key building components of a future Digital NOTAM processing and distribution workflow. As it’s unique contribution has provided a concept of single consolidated AIXM data repository capable to deal with both static AIXM and digital NOTAM data and successfully implemented AIXM and Digital NOTAM schema extensions with additional bidirectional entity associations.
As part of the Validation Service task we demonstrated an implementation based on the OGC WPS 1.0 service interface, which internally evaluates original SBVR Business Rules validation assertions transformed to machine readable ISO Schematron for XSLT format. was participating in the visualisation of aeronautical data providing an Aviation Client with Digital NOTAM portrayal and validation capabilities. Finally, we have produced an Engineering Report dedicated to the Digital NOTAM validation and enrichment with detailed implementation description and follow-up activities.
The OGC Testbed 11 Aviation Thread was sponsored by EUROCONTROL and FAA.