Together with some of the most renowned companies and organisations in the GIS and aviation sector the team has been chosen to contribute to the OGC Testbed-12 Aviation Thread, which has been kicked off last week in Washington D.C. and is planned to run until the end of the September 2016. We will be working together with Galdos Inc., Harris Corp., Snowflake, 52° North, Luciad and MIT to help to align the OGC standards and the requirements from aeronautical traffic management.

OGC Testbed-12 Aviation Thread Team
This year’s activities include several important engineering reports. As part of our editorial and contribution activities we are going to use experiences from SESAR SWIM and investigate the topics of cyber security and semantic enabled descriptions of aviation services. Both topics are very popular these days. Beside them, together with 52° North and Harris Corp. we will evaluate the importance of AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol in conjunction with JMS application interface standard, as well as the capabilities of the brand new OGC PubSub 1.0 standard regarding the asynchronous messaging and compatibility with SWIM communication requirements. Last but not least, on behalf of our sponsor EUROCONTROL we will continue with research on the aviation business rules encoding and evaluation using SBVR and Schematron. This task includes the investigation of applicability of SBVR syntax and semantic for advanced aviation use case scenarios, for example those related to aircraft capabilities and spatial aspects of aeronautical infrastructure. Our vision is to make SBVR an universal, platform independent language for constraints and rules description.
The most popular topic this year, where almost all partners will participate, concerns the long-time expected marriage between FIXM and GML. As readers may already know, current FIXM versions aren’t compatible with GML and therefore not applicable for OGC web services. Other issue addressed during the kick-off meeting was related to the highly desirable mix of FIXM and AIXM entities in aviation documents, which would be applicable, if both standards would be built on the same fundament, the GML standard. GML optimised data repositories with WFS querying capabilities like the WFS Service would also benefit from FIXM/GML. During one of earlier testbeds (TB 10) certain work has been done and an alternative FIXM schema was generated but the result wasn’t satisfactory due to quite large document payloads in comparison to equivalent, non-GML document versions. This year and our partners will continue the work and provide maximum effort to create the ultimately efficient GML compatible XML Schema for FIXIM without significant increase in the payload size. For demonstration purposes, we also plan to provide an extended version of our state of the art aviation data repository with simultaneous support for both AIXM and FIXM data. We all are looking forward for great collaborative work and expect Testbed-12 to become the most successful testbed aviation thread.
The OGC Testbed-12 Aviation Thread is again sponsored by EUROCONTROL and FAA.