m-click.aero was awarded to showcase the Aeronautical Data Validation Platform at the SESAR SWIM Global Demo in Rome that takes place on 08. and 09. June 2016 at the ENAV Prototype Systems Center – Rome ACC.
In this showcase we will demonstrate how the possible differences in the quality of data might be identified and managed when data is exchanged globally between regional SWIM domains with different quality standards. The validation covers XML schema issues, business rules violations and geographical inaccuracy.
The platform is best described as one-stop-shop for aeronautical data quality assurance. It allows for an unlimited amount of validation rules to be quickly applied in a single step on the incoming or outgoing data and offers real benefits for service consumers and providers involved in the collaboration via SWIM.
- Syntactic schema validation in accordance with AIRM, ISRM
- Validation based on a wide range of XML schemas from the aviation domain.
- This includes all common versions of AIXM 5.1, FIXM, IWXXM, AFX, AMXM
- Common AIXM 5.1 extensions from EUROCONTROL and FAA
- Additional container formats like OGC WFS and WPS, SOAP, NM B2B etc.
- Semantic validation based on SBVR and Schematron business rules
- Geographic and Spatial Business Rules using custom and ISO geometry functions
Please find more info about the SESAR SWIM Global Demo in Rome on the SESAR JU website